Friday, February 28, 2014

Muscle Building Steroids

Muscle building steroids have changed the way gaming events are being conducted in today’s times. More and more sportsmen have shown intent to take on performance enhancing steroids with an aim to optimize their performance. The curiosity behind steroids has seen a following in demanding sports such as weightlifting, swimming, baseball and football like never before.

In today’s fitness-dominated world, success comes at a cost. Therefore, it is important for sportsmen to emphasize on muscle building steroids rather than waiting for their turn in the rat race. This is important as career duration of sportsmen is getting shorter in today’s times with each passing day and every athlete wants to secure his name and fame on an ongoing basis.

Steroids are synthetic or natural compounds that help in the regulation of certain body functions. They are being used by professional sportsmen to get more out of their bodies and aim for higher. Some benefits of Steroids include increase in muscle mass, strength, and endurance. Other benefits include conserving blood glucose and fast healing of musculoskeletal injuries.

Steroids can be taken in the form of intramuscular or subcutaneous injections, pellet implantation under the skin, application to the skin in the form of gels or patches or as oral administration (by mouth).

Steroids can be classified into two types:
  1. Anabolic Steroids: Anabolic steroids, or anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS), refer to a class of steroid hormones that are related to testosterone (hormone). They are consumed with a predefined purpose to enhance protein synthesis within the body cells. Such steroids help in buildup of anabolism in the muscles’ areas.
  2. Catabolic Steroids: Catabolic Steroids, or corticosteroids, refers to steroids that are consumed to break down muscle mass. These steroids are even used to minimize body swelling and treat autoimmune ailments.
Intake of steroids is not something to hide about; almost all sportsmen and bodybuilders take steroids in one or the other form in today’s times. The factors that have promoted the usage of steroids in sports such as weight lifting, body building, athletics, and swimming are many. These factors include increased competition, short career span of sportsmen, desire to excel at any cost, increase body endurance, and enhance muscle mass to name a few.

The ideology of modern day sportsmen to ride on an almost invincible winning streak is also one of the greatest contributors towards the popularity of muscle building steroids. It will not be wrong to say that there is a drastic difference in the level of competition in the bygone days and today’s times. The modern day athlete wants to develop a distinctive edge and muscle building steroids help him in his quest for success and glory. Furthermore, the audience is no longer interested in snail race, boring baseball games, low scoring matches, and average appearing sportsmen. Everyone wants to enjoy watching aggressive athletes, big hits & high scoring games, and intense competition right from the word go.

Now that we have identified today’s sports ideology, let us read about a few drugs that are used by sportsmen to get a complete insight into the world of steroids.

Also known as Anabol, Dianabol, and Reforvit, this steroid can enhance estrogen levels as it is aromatizable. It can also increase both size and strength of human body to a great degree.

Also known as Anadrol, Oxymetholone is known to have progestenic properties and help in retention of water. It has a very high anabolic/androgenic ratio and is used to enhance muscle mass and strength.

Points to Remember:
  • It is highly important that muscle building steroids must be used only after a medical advice.
  • The dosage of steroids must be only as per the prescribed limits else the time will not be far when the body shows signs of restlessness, fatigue, over-exertion, and other serious ailments.
  • It is best to use over-the-counter products and avoiding the more androgenic steroids.
  • Steroids must be used in low doses or for short durations.
The invincible power of steroids should not be feared, but must be respected at all times.
In a nutshell, one should make a judicious usage of muscle building steroids to reap the real benefits. If that can be done, there will be no cause of concern at all. Furthermore, it should not be forgotten that efforts are the foundation on which great bodies are nourished. After all, it is well said that no pain, no gain!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) for Female Steroid Users

In the case of pre-menopausal females, tapering the anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) would be the best treatment.

Anabolic steroid administration, like males, causes the HPGA to shutdown. However, stopping the AAS will produce menopausal like symptoms, therefore tapering until menses returns is best. The labs follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteneizing hormone (LH), progesterone (P) and estradiol (E2) will be the best indicator. They will show if the HPGA is affected adversely. In marked contrast to a man, the period typically returns within 1-2 months and will occur while tapering.

I would NOT suggest “selective estrogen receptor modulators” (SERMs) or aromatase inhibitors (AIs) for a woman! NEVER! It is the equivalency of forcing them into menopausal symptoms. The HPGA/HPTA are very different. In fact, SERM/AI (such as Nolvadex and Arimidex) are used in Breast Cancer, which includes a significant number of adverse effects. Decreasing E2 in a man is far different from doing the same in a female. E2 and P are the main female hormones. Just imagine how a man feels that receives Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) for Prostate Cancer.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Benefits of Letrozole during post cycle therapy

When it comes to reducing or eliminating estrogenic side effects such as oily skin, acne, gynecomastia, and bloating, there are not many products as beneficial as the non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor, Letrozole. Also known as Femara, it is believed to be one of the most potent drugs for stimulating metabolic rate of the body and promoting fat burning.

Medically indicated for patients with hormonally responsive breast cancer after surgery, Letrozole has the molecular weight of 285.31 g/mol at the base and is highly effective for reducing the levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and promoting the level of spermatogenesis in male patients suffering from non-obstructive azoospermia. This antiestrogen is also useful in treating endometriosis.

The third-generation selective oral aromatase inhibitor is rated by sport and gym coaches as one of the best post cycle therapy drugs that can even promote growth hormone, cortisol, SHBG, hepatic production of binding proteins, HDL, and growth and development of sexual characteristics. One of the biggest advantages associated with the use of Letrozole is that it is very effective for slowing or reversing the growth of certain types of breast cancer (such as hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer) in women after menopause or preventing the cancer from making a return.

Letrozole use is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women and suffering with prostate, breast, or testicular cancer or treated for high blood pressure, liver damage, stroke, and kidney damage. When overdosed or of a low grade, Letrozole abuse can lead to side effects like hot flushes, night sweats, vomiting, bone pain, loss of appetite, headache, stomach pain, cough, and breast pain.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Testosterone Cypionate by Accordo RX - benefits for sportsmen

Professional sportsmen, all over the world, trust testosterone cypionate when it comes to staying ahead of the competition. This is not just because this testosterone derivative is one of the most potent of all derivatives of the male sex hormone but also because it is easily accessible and affordable to say the least, besides being free from side effects.

Testosterone Cypionate is rated higher than Testosterone enanthate, another derivative of testosterone. This is primarily because the cypionate version is superior to the enanthate version in terms of active life and half life. Having a chemical structure of 4-androstene-3-one, 17beta-ol and ester molecular weight of 132.1184 g/mol, this long acting and single ester testosterone derivative has an anabolic/androgenic ratio of 100:100 and available in oral and injectable forms.

It can be detected over a period of 3 months and promotes improvements in terms of performance, endurance, body strength, and muscle function along with regulating the production of testosterone in the body.

Testosterone cypionate, the anabolic steroid, can be used in weekly doses of 300-2000 mg by men but not for a period exceeding 6-8 weeks at a stretch. This testosterone compound is generally stacked with Dianabol, Primobolan, Equipoise, and Clenbuterol. In case the level of estrogen formation exceeds the normal, antiestrogens such as Nolvadex and Clomid can be used. The use of these ancillary drugs can help in restoring the natural production of testosterone besides helping testosterone cypionate users stay away from gynecomastia and fluid retention.