Thursday, April 23, 2015

7 Reasons To Squat

There’s a golden rule in squatting: make sure you break parallel. Alas, when we train the squat, as we do every week, we endeavor to make sure we break parallel. But do you strive to hit full depth? I’m talking full range of motion (ROM), ass-to-grass position. Of course, we’ve been taught that for a rep to count in a workout, we need to break parallel. So this may lead some athletes to believe that the only need to lower themselves the equivalent distance when performing strength training. There’s no doubt that some people may have mobility issues that prevent them from exercising their full range of motion in the first place. But as you’re about to find out, squatting to full depth is far more effective and safe than squatting to just below parallel.

1. Deep squats help you get comfortable getting out of ‘the hole’

The ‘hole’, as it is known in weightlifting, power lifting, and Olympic lifting circles, is the lowest part of a squat—usually the receiving position for the clean and the snatch. How you handle the hole plays a large part in determining your success as a squatter—not to mention how far you can progress in the Olympic lifts. Squatting to full depth with heavy loads allows you to become comfortable with being in the hole, and learning how to drive out of it. This will help to increase your power production (as mentioned below), as well as improving your comfort level with both the clean and snatch, where you have to ‘catch’ heavy weight in a full squat (front or overhead) position. If you only train with squats that creep just below parallel, then you’re going to hit plateaus with your Olympic lifts because you simply won’t be used to holding heavy weight in deep positions.

2. The deeper the squat, the greater the power output

The PAP effect—also known as “post-activation potentiation”—refers to when an athlete “primes” the muscles in one particular exercise in order to increase muscle force production in a subsequent exercise. PAP is well documented as a technique used by athletes to increase their vertical jump and sprint times (up to 100 meters).


Because squatting deeper requires more work from the muscles—particularly those of the posterior chain (calves, hamstrings and glutes). When you squat to full depth, your muscles are stretched further and are better activated than if you were to just perform a parallel squat. With all that tension in your muscles, you can generate more power when coming out of the bottom position. Furthermore, when you squat deep, your hips take more of the load than your knees and ankles, and hip extension torque is increased. Not only does that allow you to drive out of the hole with force, but it also helps to prime your musculature and increase the PAP effect for subsequent power exercises (such as sprinting and jumping).

3. Deep squats build stronger legs

The squat is renowned as the best compound movement in the world of fitness. During the squat, the hip, knee and even the ankle joints (plantar flexion occurs at the joint when you press into the ground during the concentric phase of the squat) are all involved in the movement. As a result, your soleus (the calf), hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, abdominals (core stability), hip adductors and erector spinae are all engaged during the back squat. Even the traps have to work to stabilize the bar as it’s racked across your back. Now, when more muscles are being worked, the body secretes more HGH (human growth hormone) and testosterone, two hormones that are vital for building muscle. In addition, the more tension that is placed on a muscle (and the more time that the muscle is placed under tension), the more muscle fiber is recruited, which increases muscular hypertrophy and strength. The problem with partial ROM squats is that while they do stretch the muscles in the legs somewhat, they could be stretched so much further. So while you may be able to lift more weight when just breaking parallel, your muscles will be getting more of a workout by going to full depth; their time under tension will be significantly increased, and more muscle fibers will be recruited to handle the load.

For further proof that full squats are best for lower body strength, consider a 2013 study. In the study, ‘physically active’ male students were randomly assigned to 12 weeks of progressive squat training, performed as either a deep squat or a partial squat. The full squat group gained 1.2 kg of muscle, increased lower body muscle mass by 2 percent, and increased thigh muscle cross-sectional area by 4 to 7 percent, depending on the part of the leg measured. On the other hand, the partial squat group gained no measurable muscle, but did increase the cross-sectional area of the thigh slightly.

4. Deep squats increase stability in the lower back

Squats are a true compound movement, targeting multiple muscles in the body. This includes the erector spinae, rectus femoris and other paraspinal muscles in the lower back. Building strength in these muscles in conjunction with the glutes produces improved structural balance, better posture and even reduces hamstring injuries in runners.

5. Deep squats improve your flexibility

When you squat with a full range of motion, your muscles are fully stretched. Because a lot of people have poor flexibility in their hips, hamstrings and ankles, getting into an ‘ass-to-grass’ position is a challenge in itself. As a result, they’ll stick to quarter or parallel squats, and keep stacking weight on the bar without ever trying to squat to full depth with lighter weight. But in such situations, it’s important to check your ego and recognize the value in stripping the barbell of some of that weight (or all of it!), working on your mobility and performing squats to depth. Do enough deep squats, and you’ll be surprised at how much your ankle, hip and even wrist and shoulder (in the case of front/overhead squats) increases.

As world-renowned strength coach Charles Poliquin states, “Not only do full squats keep you honest and encourage you to achieve functional mobility, they allow you to train for better structural balance throughout the body.”

So while you may think that squatting to quarter or partial depth won’t cause an injury, consider that if you keep squatting this way, then over time you will develop muscular imbalances in the hips and knees, increasing the risk of injury and pain. Don’t take that risk. Deep squats are a natural human movement (we come out of the womb squatting deep) that “allow for a balanced development of the hip and lower back musculature, while encouraging peak dynamic mobility.”

6. Full squats build bone and are safer for the spine

You can’t squat as much weight when you hit full range of motion versus partial squats. This is important because lighter loads place far less strain on the spine. Yes, technique is obviously important regardless of how deep you’re squatting, but squatting mammoth amounts of weight in a partial squat is not worth the amount of unnecessary compressive force placed on the spine. In such instances, the musculature in your back becomes the performance-limiting factor—not the legs.
However, when you do load the spine with manageable weight and squat to full depth, you’re helping to build bone mineral density—vital for protection against fractures and osteoporosis.

7. Full squats are better for knee health

It might seem counter-intuitive, but the deeper you go in a squat, the increased knee stability you’ll experience. This is because there is increased contact between the back of the thigh and the calf, reducing the shearing forces on the ligaments within the knee. In fact, a 2013 study from Sports Medicine found that the highest compressive forces are placed on the knee when it is at a 90-degree flexion angle. Essentially, allowing the knee to move freely in a full range of motion helps to build tissue strength around the knee joint—not to mention decreasing the amount of stress (and therefore reducing the risk of injury) on the knee itself.

Is there any value to squatting just below parallel?

Partial squats allow for heavier loads to be lifted in a specific portion of the lift. For example, if you are training with full squats and have difficulty getting past a particular sticking point that is close to parallel, training with heavier weights at parallel can help to boost your strength in that part of the lift.

Now, many athletes will, at first, struggle with squatting to full depth. The limitations in their mobility will mean that they can only just break parallel—and that’s ok. You can still get plenty of benefits from squatting this way. In addition, if an athlete’s form is so poor that squatting to full depth would increase the likelihood of injury, they need to spend time learning how to go through a full range of motion in the squat using a PVC pipe or just their bodyweight.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Bodybuilding Uses For Albuterol

Albuterol, also known as salbutamol, is a drug that people can administer to relax their airways and treat asthma. It is used to prevent and treat a variety of breathing issues, like coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness caused by asthma and other airway-related issues. Along with airway-related issues, Albuterol is used to treat muscle paralysis.

In bodybuilding , Albuterol can be administered for fat burning, and is also an effective steroid for gaining lean muscle mass. While it can work well for the purposes of an effective workout, the methodology of its function best serves for fat burning, which classifies it (for the purposes of exercise and health in those without bronchial issues or paralysis) as a weight loss drug. Like any other drug or steroid, dosages will vary from person to person and between genders, and should be administered (for the purposes of weight loss or building muscle mass) by a professional who can accurately dose you based on your unique body type, weight, gender, and other variables.

Albuterol is most commonly found in inhalers and to use it, patients inhale it through the mouth. Originally coming as a liquid, it turns into a mist and is transferred through the inhaler to the patient’s mouth. The solution should be used whenever needed to relieve chest tightness and coughing. Use Albuterol as directed and do not take more or less than what your doctor recommends.

If you do happen to miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember that you have missed it. If you miss it and it is almost time for the next dose, do not double up on doses, as it can be physically harmful. Do not take a double dose in order to make up for the missed one, even if it sounds like a good idea.

While Albuterol is very helpful in many ways, there are also some side effects that can arise due to constant use. Some side effects include uncontrollable shaking, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, and fits of coughing. You can also experience the swelling of the feet, hands, ankles, and throat, as well as difficulty swallowing and hoarseness of the voice. A doctor should be notified if there are any other side effects not listed or if the listed symptoms intensify.

Overdoses can occur if too much medicine is taken at one time and can lead to a possible death. If a family member or someone close to you is currently taking Albuterol as a means to treat airway-related issues, here are symptoms of overdose to look out for: chest pain, a fast or irregular heartbeat, intense headaches, lack of energy for several days, nervousness, seizures, and nausea. If a family member has collapsed or is not breathing due to an overdose, immediately call emergency services to treat them.

When using this medicine, it is important that you get your prescription refilled by a doctor before you run out completely. If you use it every day and do not get your prescription filled until after it runs out, you could cause a decline in your health and an increase in discomfort until it is filled.

If you are pregnant, tell your doctor, as it is not known if Albuterol can pass into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing child. To be on the safe side, do not breastfeed while taking Albuterol for the purpose of bodybuilding, for any restrictive airway disease, or any other reason. In terms of children, albuterol should not be given to children younger than two years of age unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor, and children who are old enough to use albuterol should be supervised closely during the initial two-week period of dosing.

If you suffer from restricted airways, pain in the chest, mild muscle paralysis, or uncontrollable fits of coughing, your doctor might recommend using Albuterol to relieve you. Likewise, for those trying to gain muscle mass or lose weight quickly and effectively, Albuterol can be a great choice, but those using this steroid should be watched closely, especially during the initial onset of usage.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate (NPP) Explained

NPP was never really all that popular simply because of availability issues. Many of the pharmacy grade NPP products range between 25mg-50mg/ml and are extremely expensive.

Phenyl Propionate vs Decanoate.

“Let’s calculate the amount accumulated in the body after 6 weeks of 500mg/Deca Durabolin. Let’s say you inject it once a week and we’ll give it a 1.5-week half-life. Note that injection frequency makes a huge difference in blood concentration stability but no difference in amount of esterified in the system

E (greek letter “sigma”) 500*e^(ln(1/2)n/1.5) from n=0 to n=6. So after 6 weeks, about 1300mg of esterified Nandrolone remain in the body.

Now lets see how long, after the initial injection, it takes to reduce to a small enough amount that permits recovery.

1300*e^(ln(1/2)n/1.5) After 3 weeks, 325 mg of esterified remain

after 6 weeks, 81 mg of esterified remain.

After 8 weeks, 32mg of esterified remain.”

Nandrolone Decanoate is a long acting depot; it takes quite a while for it to “kick in” and clear out of the system. Depending on how much is used; it will take at least 4-6 weeks after the last shot for Deca Durabolin to clear out. It also takes about 4 weeks for active blood levels to stabilize. This can easily add up to 8-10 weeks of “dead time” i.e. periods of time when blood levels are not consistent. These numbers apply to reasonable use of Nandrolone Decanoate; between 200-400mg a week. The more you use, the worst it gets. So a 10-week cycle of Deca Durabolin can easily end up been a 16-week cycle when you account for clearance time (active blood levels). The first 4 weeks are also somewhat of a waste of time.

So that 10-week cycle ends up been 16 weeks; 6 weeks of optimal blood levels and 10 weeks of dead time. Not a very effective way to cycle.

With NPP, you can bypass all that dead time. 19-Nortestosterone based drugs are known to shutdown HPTA very easily – think Trenbolone. Most bodybuilders will use Tren for around 6 weeks at the beginning of a cycle. NPP should be used in a similar manner.

Here’s an example of a balanced cycle consisting of NPP

W1-6: Dianabol
W1-6: NPP
W1-8: Testosterone Propionate

It is a good idea to run Test 2 weeks past the NPP, however; NPP can be used as a stand-alone.

Earlier, I compared NPP to Trenbolone. They are similar in some ways but Trenbolone is much more androgenic and stronger in general.

NPP shares some of the same sides associated with Deca Durabolin (they are after all the same base compound). It should be noted that most of the sides that come with Deca Durabolin are a result of its long ester. Decanoate ester is very hard to control and Nandrolone side effects are not easily countered like Testosterone related sides (Tamoxifen, Anastrozole). Overall, Nandrolone is a milder compound than Testosterone and is better mg for mg (but that’s a matter of opinion)

Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate should be injected at least every 3 days. A typical dose is 350mg-700mg a week for 5-8 weeks.

It stacks very well with Winstrol, Dianabol, Testosterone, Equipose, Anavar

It does not stack well with Tren boloneand especially Anadrol

Here are some good cycle suggestions:

Fast Acting Classic Testosterone/Deca Durabolin/Dianabol cycle:

W1-6: Dianabol 30mg ED
W1-6: NPP 150mg EOD
W1-8: Test Prop 150mg EOD

Highly Anabolic cycles

W1-6: NPP: 200mg E3D
W1-8: Anavar: 30mg ED

W1-6: NPP: 200mg E3D
W1-8: Winny: 50mg ED

A good First cycle:

W1-6: NPP: 150mg E3D
W1-4: Dianabol: 25mg ED
(W5-8: Anavar: 30mg ED – optional)

NPP in a typical cycle

W1-10: Equipose 400mg a week
W1-9: Test Cyp 600mg a week
W1-8: NPP 200mg E3D
W10-13: Test Prop 150mg EOD

Nandrolone got a very bad rap with many bodybuilders; there is no reason to use Nandrolone Decanoate if NPP available aside from year-round juicer using it for joint pain. Nandrolone is a tremendous bodybuilding drug that can take your physique to a whole different level but many people shy away from it because of what they have heard or experienced with Deca Durabolin.

Friday, March 20, 2015

The Oxandrolone Strategy

Oxandrolone is a mild, low androgen 17-alpha alkylated anabolic steroid with very low toxicity. Preferred by thousands of men and women users because it promotes protein anabolism and rarely caused adverse reaction. Anavar is primarily used to promote strength and muscle hardness.

The drug can be used in combination with other steroids for optimum results after a plateau is reached on the Anavar alone. If some size is required, but no injection is desired, Dianabol or Anadrol can be combined with the Anavar. Here the user would add 1 Dianabol tab twice daily or a half Anadrol twice daily. Later, and for greater size, going to 4 Dianabol tabs, or to two Anadrol per day has worked well. For greater gains the user would add an injectable steroid to the cycle instead of the previously mentioned orals. The injection would vary from deca for cutting, to testosterone for weight and strength gains.

Research shows that anavar is the one anabolic steroid least likely to cause any side effects. There are very rarely reports of ill effects of any kind using anavar. There is seldom any fluid gains with this drug, which makes it the drug of choice for athletes with potential blood pressure problems. Anavar is also good for athletes who need to keep their weight down. Therefore, you will find a number of bodybuilders using anavar the last two months before competing.

Some powerlifters claim that this steroid is No. 1 for gaining strength without water weight. Women like Anavar because very little masculinisation in any form have been seen among woman who have used Anavar at a dose of 5 mg daily. Most women start out on 1 tablet per day and go up to three tablets daily. The dosage of 5 mg of Anavar per day has worked out to be the optimum. The first signs of virilisaton could include persistent hoarseness, deepening of the women's voice, acne, decreased libido, and/or clitoral enlargement. If any of these symptoms should appear, the woman should end the cycle immediately.

Anavar will not aromatize. This means that it is one of the very few anabolic steroids that will not convert to estrogen at any dosage. This means it will not cause the appearance of a soft look to the muscles nor will it lead to the development of breast tissue in men. Some persons will convert much more of a steroid to estrogen than others. These people can use a dosage starting with 2 tabs twice daily, and reaching a maximum dose of .1 MG of Anavar per pound of body weight. If the athlete plateaus on the drug alone, he might add a small dose of deca that would most likely not aggravate any existing gynecomastia. Or a daily dose of 10 MG of halotestin could be added to the Anavar cycle to increase strength and hardness, while having no aromatize in effect.

Anavar is a multi-purpose steroid. Its very low toxicity makes it safe to take, even on lower cycles. It is advised that a high protein diet be maintained while taking anavar to insure its effectiveness.

Effective Dose:
  1. Men: 6-8 tablets per day or 7.5-15 mg/day.
  2. Women: 3 tablets a day.
Cycles and Stacks: Oxandrolone is not a steroid to bulk up on; yet, it is often part of a bulking stack. It could be combined with testosterone or Dianabol to accent these highly androgenic compounds.

Side Effects: Athletes claim that this drug is unsurpassed in its ability to promote strength without water weight gains. Oxandrolone will not aromatize at any dosage. Which makes it ideal for steroid users with potential hypertension complications as well as pre-existing gynecomastia.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Testosterone cypionate stacking cycles information

Testosterone cypionate is very similar to tesosterone enanthate. Although half lives and active life periods are different, they are similar. Injections are normally less frequent for cypionate. Testosterone is the king of all mass builders and for this purpose is also fairly cost effective. It works well either alone or stacked to create a great bulking cycle. It has a high risk of side effects due to its conversion to DHT and has the potential to form estrogen, causing gynecomastia. These characteristics also cause it to have such excellent mass building tendencies. Due to some other side effects, such as water retention, it may not be the best used alone for lean mass gains, but with bulking comes the addition of a lot of muscle as well as some gains in fat and water weight. This is typical and a natural part of the enhanced bodybuilder's bulking regiment.

Doses of 200-100mg a week are common using Testosterone cypionate, with excellent results found midway at about 500 mg or less for the first time user and between 500-1000mg weekly for the more advanced athlete. Testosterone stacks well with anything and is also great when used alone. When stacked with another anabolic-androgenic steroid, distinct androgenic effects may be seen. Using Testosterone cypionate will improve regenerative capacity as well as training aggressiveness which results in significant increases in overall strength during the course of the cycle.

Testosterone cypionate is a long acting, single ester testosterone product. It has a length of 8 carbons, and is stored mostly in the adipose tissue when injected intra-muscularly. It is slowly and steadily released in the body after it is injected. The blood levels of Testosterone cypionate peak 24-48 hours after injection and then decline slowly. The blood levels reach a steady point 12 days after initial injection and stay there for over three weeks. Testosterone cypionate is normally injected once a week, which makes the very lowest dose higher than half the peak dose at any given time. Any testosterone, as the king of mass builders, are cost effective products and important for any steroid stack. Used alone, the user can expect to see some significant gains. The long acting nature of Testosterone cypionate allows the user to inject less frequently while maintaining stable blood levels.

Testosterone cypionate is a good choice for the first time steroid user. A simple cycle consisting of 500 mg of Testosterone cypionate weekly for 10 weeks, with ancillaries on hand, and standard post cycle therapy makes a good first cycle and can create some excellent gains in muscle mass. Along with those gains will come some gains in fat as well as water rentention, but that is a standard part of bulking up and should be expected. Enanthate or cypionate are also normally preferred oversustanon for a first cycle, due to the inability to maintain stable blood levels of sustanon while at the same time minimizing injection frequency. For maximum efficiency, every day or every other day injections of sustanon are normally administered. This is unnecessary while using cypionate due to its extreme length of action.

A long acting testosterone ester will be very helpful for your bulking needs, and Testosterone cypionate is a product which is more simple than some of the other steroids out there. Not to say it is without its share of complications, but it's a good choice, especially for those new to enhanced bodybuilding. Discontinuing the product is not an option in case side effects occur, because it will continue to aggravate these side effects over extended periods of time due to the long length of action of Testosterone cypionate. Ancillary drugs such as Nolvadex, Proviron, Clomid and HCG may help, both during cycle and post cycle to help restore natural testosterone production. Testosterone cypionate does aromatize slightly more than sustanon, but when using either drug, one should be familiar with anti-estrogens such as nolvadex or clomid and use one of them when symptoms of gyno occur.

Any form of testosterone will be longer acting and at times difficult to control. Having ancillary drugs on hand is considered very important due to the possibility of side effects. However, these potential side effect risks do not come without a benefit - and that benefit is that testosterone is the most powerful mass builder there is and stacks well with just about anything. The added benefit of Testosterone cypionate is that the long acting ester only requires a single weekly injection to elicit great gains. This makes Testosterone cypionate especially attractive for the first time user, who will likely have no prior experience with self administrations of intra-muscular agents and will want to minimize those injections.

Injection Information

Weekly totals of 250-1000mg weekly are frequently used, and sometimes more for the highly advanced athlete. Due to the relatively long half life of Testosterone cypionate, injections are usually administered once per week. This will allow stable blood levels to be maintained. When the level of steroid tapers down, a new injection is made, keeping everything fairly level. This is unlike Sustanon, which requires more frequent injections for the same effect. For a first cycle, 500mg alone of Testosterone cypionate, shot once weekly (Monday and Thursday for example), for 10 weeks along with standard post cycle therapy would be very sufficient for good gains.

Side effects

Side effects such as water retention usually occur when using testosterone enanthate. Gyno, increased rate of hair growth, back acne, increased blood pressure, and aggressiveness, both in the gym and out, are possible when using enanthate. The liver is accustomed to processing testosterone, so liver toxicity is normally not a concern except at extremely high doses.

Stacking and use

Testosterone being the most effective mass builder there is, stacks well with virtually everything and can be used alone for significant increases in both muscle mass and strength. If used in combination with other anabolic-androgenic steroids, items of choice include Dianabol, Primobolan, Equipoise and Deca-Durabolin.

Testosterone cypionate can be stacked with compounds other than these ones, but the user should assess his or her goals and decide which steroids and going to bring about what types of gains. For mass, testosterone is excellent choice, and more testosterone should be preferred over stacking with other compounds for that express purpose. To minimize water retention, certain steroids may be preferred and this is a good decision, since more testosterone cannot reduce these water gains (and in fact may only cause them to become worse). This is one example of how stacking Testosterone cypionate (or any other testosterone) can be very beneficial. However, for the first time user, a recommended cycle is testosterone only, and Testosterone cypionate is a good choice. Once again, due to its extreme length of action and ability to maintain stable steroid blood levels while minimizing injection frequency.

The testosterone using athlete should be familiar with a variety of ancillary drugs in case estrogen related side effects such as gyno take place. Nolvadex, clomid, and HCG are items which you will likely want to keep on hand, either to use during your cycle, or for post cycle therapy. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Primobolan – the best cutting steroid

A popular oral and injectable anabolic steroid, Primobolan (also known as Methenolone and Primo) is best described as a long acting anabolic with mild anabolic effects and extremely low androgenic properties. This non-17-alkylate steroid is one of the most admired performance enhancing drugs among those who are prone to liver toxicity, liver damage, or elevated liver values while using oral steroids.

Primobolan has the chemical name of 17ß-hydroxy-1-methyl-5a-androst-1-en-3-one acetate and its anabolic/androgenic ratio is 88:44-57. The molecular weight of Primobolan is 344.488 g/mol at the base and this anabolic compound has the molecular formula is C22H32O3. Primobolan can be detected over a period of 4-5 weeks and its anabolic/androgenic ratio is 88:44-57. Primobolan is available both as an injectable (enanthate) and oral (acetate). The active life of oral Methenolone is 4-6 hours and active life of liquid (injectable) Methenolone is 10-14 days.

In the world of bodybuilding, Primobolan is regarded as a steroid with potency slightly lower than Deca Durabolin, on a milligram for milligram basis. Primobolan is best used during a cutting cycle to maintain muscle while on a low-calorie diet. This Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) based anabolic steroid is not 17-alpha-alkylated but 1-methylated for oral bioavailability and is generally used between anabolic steroid cycles during “off-time” for maintaining muscle mass and body strength gains. This rare androgen-based steroid is mild and can be used by both men and women. Primobolan, even at high dosages, does not result in formation of excess estrogens. Primobolan is medically prescribed for reducing breast tumors and HIV/AIDS patients as it can improve immunity of the body to a significant extent.

Primobolan leads to less inhibition than Testosterone or Deca Durabolin in terms of anabolic effects because of lack of conversion to DHT, low central nervous system activity, and lack of aromatization to estrogen. Use of Primobolan is associated with dramatic improvements in terms of active and total testosterone by promoting sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Moreover, gains made with this steroid are sustaining in nature and smooth rather than fast but short-term in nature as with other anabolic androgenic steroids.

The ideal dose of Primobolan for men is 200-400mg every week and female athletes take this steroid in weekly doses of 50-100mg. Some male athletes even use Primobolan in daily doses of 50-100mg and female athletes take Primobolan in daily doses of 10-25mg. Primobolan is ideally stacked with Deca Durabolin, Testosterone, Dianabol, Clenbuterol, T3, and Anadrol. Use of testosterone-stimulating drug like Nolvadex, HCG, or Clomid should be made towards the end or after the end of a steroid cycle involving Primobolan. This also proves beneficial to enhance the bioavailability of other steroids used in the cycle and prevent estrogenic side effects like gynecomastia, oily skin, acne, and bloating.

A good fat burner, Primobolan is also admired for its ability to act as an immune-enhancing drug and is generally used by athletes in between steroid cycles during “off-time” to maintain muscle mass and body strength gains. Ideal for pre-contest cutting purposes, this steroid should be used in strict accordance with medical advice.

Abuse or overdosing of Primobolan can lead to side effects such as depression, acne, oily skin, and gynecomastia.

Primobolan is not advised to people diagnosed with severe health complications like testicular atrophy, testicular cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, liver damage, kidney damage, stroke, high blood pressure, and respiratory problems. Use of Primobolan is not recommended to children and those having an existing allergy to Primobolan or any of its active or inactive ingredients. It is also not advised to pregnant and lactating women or women who may get pregnant while using Primobolan. High sense of care and diligence should be observed by people who are already administered with Tamoxifen, DHEA. Multiple doses of Primobolan should not be taken at any time even if a dose is missed accidentally. The missed dose should be taken immediately but it should be skipped and the next dosage should be taken at the scheduled time if the gap between the two doses is less than 6 hours.

Primobolan is required to be stored at a controlled room temperature of 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F) with excursions permitted to 15° to 30°C (59° to 86°F). Primobolan should be kept away from unauthorized use, pets, sunlight, moisture, and children. Primobolan should not be flushed down the toilet or poured into a drain.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Masteron Cycle Information

Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate) is perhaps one of the more 'exotic' anabolic steroids that may be used by an athlete. Originally it was developed and used as an anti-estrogen for the treatment of breast cancer. It was largely used in combination with the SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) Tamoxifen (aka Nolvadex) for the treatment of breast cancer, and did give a significant decrease in estrogen levels in women undergoing such treatment. It is not much used these days for such purposes, for varying reasons, however for many athletes including competitive bodybuilders in particular; Masteron remains a rather unsung favourite of anabolic steroids medicines.

The fact that Masteron was being used as an anti-estrogen goes to suggest quite a lot about some properties Masteron possesses. Masteron is a derivative of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and does not convert to estrogen through means of aromatisation. It is thought that the anti-estrogenic properties of Masteron may be in part to do with either an inhibition in some way of the aromatase enzyme or an interaction with estrogen itself in a way which blocks receptor binding of the estrogen. Either way, this would put Masteron as a useful tool for the anabolic steroid user who uses compounds that convert to estrogen (which most anabolic steroids users do, considering testosterone is the main basis of most cycles). By inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, Masteron would be in effect blocking the conversion of free testosterone to estrogen by the aromatisation pathway. This would not only serve to marginally increase the amounts of active free testosterone in circulation (thus giving a greater effect of the testosterone over a Masteron-free system), but it would also negate the side-effects that result from high levels of estrogen due to aromatisation. Such side effects include the development of gynecomastia and water retention/bloating. Conversely, if Masteron actually blocks the binding of estrogen to the estrogen receptor (ER) in some way, although aromatisation of testosterone may occur, its effects would be limited due to the inability of the estrogen to bind to the ER. Thus through this mechanism, the effects of excess estrogen production through aromatisation would also be limited by use of Masteron.

Although Masteron contains such anti-estrogenic properties, it also (being a DHT derivative) has anabolic and androgenic properties. Although in theory and on paper it may be seen to be not a very strong androgen, in fact Masteron does give higher androgenic effects than one may expect. The use of Masteron, as it is an anabolic steroid, will shut down natural testosterone production and so despite having anti-estrogenic effects again, one must not think that Masteron could be used as an option in post cycle therapy as it will inhibit recovery.

There are two forms of Masteron that are generally available for use – Drostanolone Propionate and Drostanolone Enanthate. The propionate version is usually dosed at 50-150mg/ml and is the fast acting version of Masteron, needing to be injected every other day. The enanthate version of Masteron is dosed normally at around 200mg/ml and needs only to be injected twice per week as the ester attached to the drostanolone is longer thus giving a slower release of hormone.

Suggested Cycles/Uses

Due to the effects of Masteron on estrogen related side effects, Masteron is a very useful tool (especially in competitive bodybuilding) when cutting. As higher levels of estrogen result in water retention, Masteron inhibits water retention, and many users claim that their muscles feel very full and tight on Masteron, with it giving them amazing 'muscle pumps' in the gym. Use of Masteron (in combination with other appropriate meds) at low body fat levels results in the user seeing fine detail of the muscles being accentuated, such as striations and the fine details of the muscle. Masteron helps draw out the water from between the skin and the muscle giving this very cut look (at low body fat levels). Not many other anabolic steroids medicines can give such effects on muscle detail as those seen with Masteron.

Despite these effects of Masteron, it is a rather weak anabolic steroid in itself. One would hardly benefit at all from use of Masteron on its own, and furthermore use of Masteron alone may result in loss of libido due to shutdown of the body's natural testosterone production. For these reasons, it is always recommended to stack Masteron with other steroids.

It is said by many that using Masteron is a waste when the user has a body fat percentage higher than 10-12%. I can understand the reasoning, and the user must understand that at higher body fat levels the detail to the muscle will not be seen in such a way as described; however I do not see it as a waste due to its anti-estrogenic properties. Such properties may allow one to not use other ancillaries on cycle that would have other undesirable side effects, and in addition Masteron may work in a synergistic fashion with other AS medicines to amplify their effects (for example with testosterone as described above). Masteron would however not be recommended for beginner use as it is not needed at this starting out level.

Masteron can be pretty much incorporated into any cycle containing testosterone (see Testosterone as an Anabolic Steroid). The dosages that should be used with Masteron are:

350-500mg per week (propionate version, injected every other day)
400-600mg per week (enanthate version, injected twice per week)

An example of an excellent cutting cycle for an advanced user would be: (6-10 weeks)

150mg Testosterone propionate every other day
50mg Trenbolone acetate every day (or 100mg every other day)
150mg Masteron (propionate) every other day
50mg Winstrol every day, last 4 weeks of cycle only

Of course with such an intermediate/advanced cycle, the user could also incorporate other medicines such as Clenbuterol, Ephedrine, T3, growth hormone, IGF, etc. A more novice cutting cycle may consist of: (6-8 weeks)

100mg Testosterone propionate every other day
100mg Masteron (propionate) every other day

Possible Side Effects

As discussed, Masteron possesses anti-estrogenic properties which results in the elimination of many of the unwanted side effects that anabolic steroids users may experience, such as gynecomastia, water retention and dangerous increases in blood pressure. Although Masteron is a weak steroid and on paper it has low androgenic properties, it has already been mentioned that in practice the androgenic properties appear to be slightly higher than in theory, and secondly Masteron is a DHT derivative.

Briefly however, the side effects that may occur with use of Masteron include hair loss (if prone to male pattern baldness), aggression and acne. If a user does experience acne with other androgens such as testosterone, then it is a real possibility that they may experience it with the use of Masteron. I know of people who experience only a few spots with the use of testosterone however when using Masteron they experience many more spots. On the other hand, there are users who seem to experience less spots on Masteron than they do on Trenbolone.

As with all anabolic steroid, it is impossible for anyone to say how an individual will definitely react in terms of side effects, etc with any medicine, as individuals will always differ in their responses to medicines, with differing severities as well. But the user must be aware that the potential is there, and thus take this into consideration when planning a cycle. There are medicines available to combat side effects, such as finasteride for baldness and accutane for acne, however these medicines also have their limitations and must be researched well before use.

Having said this, Masteron when initially produced pharmacologically, was seen by the FDA as a relatively safe medicine, even at high dosages. Dosages in excess of 150mg per day (that's over 1000mg per week) were considered as safe limits by the FDA (bear in mind most other anabolic steroid used by athletes are used in levels that exceed FDA safe limits). This is good news to the user, however do not misinterpret this information as a reason to use excessive doses of Masteron as in reality anything above 600mg per week is not going to give any more benefit than 500-600mg per week would give, thus excessive use would be a waste of money and injections.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Winstrol Side Effects

The steroid called Winstrol is one that many people use. However, before you consider doing so you have to get the facts about the side effects. Of course people suffer from them differently and that is where you have to evaluate your own concerns with it. Understanding the basic side effects and those that can be detrimental to your overall health is going to allow you to make the decision that is right for you.

You will also find that the events of Winstrol can be more severe where a higher dose of it is taken. The other element is when cycles are continuous instead of long blocks of time between them. The biggest risk involved with Winstrol has to do with the liver functionality. This risk is higher if you are taking the pill form of Winstrol versus the injections too.

The liver is responsible for filtering out toxins in the body. When the liver isn’t working like it should those toxins can stay in the body. As a result the blood can start to have materials in it that circulate through the body and poison it. This is why you have to be willing to take regular liver tests with Winstrol. It is strongly urged that you do so before you even consider taking it. If you have any signs of liver problems then you shouldn’t use this steroid.

Pay close attention to the coloring of the skin too. When jaundice is present it can give the skin a yellowing color. That means something isn’t write with your liver and that you need to take action. When you have the injections of Winstrol the body may become sensitive to the injections. The buttocks are where you will normally inject it. Make sure you move around on each side of the butt and that you changes locations so that irritations will be reduced.

Baldness may be part of Winstrol side effects too. For some males pattern baldness runs in their family genetics. However, women can be affected too due to prolonged use of Winstrol or large doses of it. The verdict is still out there though about Winstrol and hair loss. This is because there can be so many other variables that may be the culprit.

Women are also at risk of too much Testosterone in the body. This can create Winstrol side effects such as a voice that gets deeper, facial hair, loss of menstrual periods, and bulking in muscle regions. Even after Winstrol is no longer being used those side effects can linger. The hormonal changes to the body can cause havoc for women with the use of this type of steroid.

One of the most common Winstrol side effects has to do with severe acne. The outbreaks can become chronic. That is usually an indicator that too high of a dose of the steroid is being taken. By cutting it back it is very likely that the acne will start to clear up. However, it can takes weeks for that to clear up.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Thyroid Hormones for Fat Loss in Women

Q: “I’m a 40 year old woman who has always been extremely active, starting with competitive swimming as a child. I always eat according to what comes naturally, never counting calories or depriving myself, eating especially big after training as I then really have a lot of appetite. I’ve never had any problem with bodyfat so long as I trained hard. I’m still training hard, but now have fat trouble. I’ve tried T4 with wrong dosing, just dabbing with my fingertip from bulk powder. I had not known how powerful the material was. It was horrendous on my heartrate but I lost fat (and muscle.) Since then I’ve tried T3 with careful measurement of the dose, at 100 mcg/day. But it didn’t help me lose fat and pounding heart interfered with my training. Some fat loss supplements on the other hand have helped me, so surely thyroid hormone ought to? And what is the difference between T3 and T4?”

A: You’re very fortunate to have been able to remain lean while eating as you liked all this time, relying only on training. This comes with being genetically gifted rather than being the norm.

It’s likely that at age 40, this now will not be entirely the case and to get back to being lean it will be necessary to avoid increases in calories while seeking to lose fat.

Some fat loss supplements are somewhat effective in reducing appetite, as well as raising metabolic rate, or in some cases, even improving metabolic processes. Where caloric intake remains the same, the effect of nutritional supplements on fat loss is usually less than that of properly dosed thyroid hormone. However, where the supplement product has significant appetite suppressant properties, and in the individual case the person actually eats less, this can make a big difference to fat loss.

What likely happened for you with T3 was that food intake went up to match increased rate of calorie burning, so you had no fat loss.

With T4, the dose was likely so extreme that you had fat loss anyway.

It can’t be stressed enough how potent thyroid hormones are. They absolutely must not be overdosed. Powders should be never be used unless a person has the means to dose extremely small amounts with 100% certainty.

I recommend not exceeding 50 mcg/day with T3, divided preferably into at least 3 doses but certainly at least 2 doses. With T4, I recommend not exceeding 200 mcg/day.

T4 is longer-acting than T3 and therefore is more convenient to use. It requires conversion in the body to T3, which for some individuals can be a limiting factor. For them, T3 can be preferable. It seems that is not an issue for you, so you could use T4.

But next time, keep the dose limited to the above, and make sure not to allow caloric intake to increase along with your increased metabolic rate.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Stanozolol - powerful anabolic steroid

Stanozolol, most commonly known as Winstrol or Winny is a powerful anabolic steroid that can be found in both oral and injectable forms; the injectable form being commonly known as Winstrol Depot. While there are other steroids that can be found in both injectable and oral forms Stanozolol is one of the few that works equally well in either form; further, the injectable Winstrol Depot can be taken orally just as the standard oral tablet form. By its ease and convenience of administration, coupled with more hype surrounding the steroid than any other form Stanozolol remains one of the most popular steroids of all time.

All medications, steroidal and non-steroidal alike carry with them possible negative and adverse side-effects, in that Stanozolol makes no exception. It is important to note, such side-effects are by no means guaranteed and when speaking of anabolic steroids such effects are often largely avoidable through responsible use. Many anabolic steroids can have a negative effect on one’s cholesterol and often this problem is avoidable by proper diet and even through aromatase inhibitor use as cholesterol issues are often estrogenic related. However, Stanozolol has a very pronounced negative effect on cholesterol and for this reason use must necessarily be kept brief and in responsible levels.

Stanozolol can also increase liver enzymes quite heavily, especially when taken in tablet form, as oral Stanozolol is a 17-aa steroid. However, most will find their liver values return to normal after use is discontinued and the liver will not be harmed. Even still, responsible use must be implored but understand, even massive doses of Stanozolol are not as damaging to the liver as every day alcohol consumption.

While Stanozolol is a strong anabolic with a low androgenic nature it is far from the most powerful anabolic available but far from the weakest as well. Without question the attributes of this anabolic steroid are best seen during a cutting cycle as Stanozolol will provide a harder more vascular look to an already lean physique. However, the benefits do not end with hardening; Stanozolol by its nature is well-suited for increasing strength, even when dieting which can normally be very difficult; no, one will not gain massive strength when dieting but it can go up a little; especially in the early stages. By its strength attributes Stanozolol remains a favorite for many athletes in a host of various performance sports.

While an excellent steroid to use when dieting Stanozolol will not do a lot for you when trying to bulk up in-terms of actual growth. It can have a place in a bulking cycle for secondary purposes but most will stick with powerful steroids with strong androgenic qualities for this purpose. Nevertheless, whenever the steroid is used it is important to note it will suppress natural testosterone production to a degree and most men will necessarily supplement with some form of exogenous testosterone. While it will suppress natural production it will not do so to the extent of many other steroids but still enough to warrant caution and remedy.

As both injectable and oral forms will produce the same results, administration in-terms of frequency will follow suit and be identical regardless of the form at hand. As injections can be very painful with this steroid due to the Depot version being suspended in water many choose to simply drink it or take oral tabs; regardless of the form every day administration will prove to be optimal. However, every other day administration will yield positive results as the half-life extends to 24 hours but most will find every day administration to be the most efficient.

To get the most bang for your buck most men will find 50mg of Stanozolol to be just about perfect with 100mg being about as high as you’d ever want to go. 100mg per day is very common in competitive bodybuilding circles but generally only the last 7-10 days before the competition as that high of a dose for long periods can be very side-effect ridden. In most cases, 50mg per day for approximately 6-8 weeks will prove to be fantastic.

For our female athletes, 5mg-10mg is perfect and most are highly cautioned against going above this dose and staying within the 6-8 weeks of total use. Failure to abide will result in nasty virilization effects; even though it is only slightly androgenic it’s still androgenic in nature. When used responsibly most women will find Stanozolol to be very well-tolerated.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate)

Masteron (dromostanolone propionate, also known as drostanolone propionate) after a long period of time as a rare drug is now enjoying greater popularity, and deservedly so. Where one does not wish to use a large amount of injectable testosterone and wishes to use either no trenbolone or only a modest amount of that drug, Masteron is often an ideal choice for inclusion in a steroid stack, or in some cases for use as the sole injectable for a steroid cycle.

Masteron Side Effects

Masteron undergoes no aromatization (conversion to estrogen), no conversion to DHT or potentiation by the 5-AR enzyme, and as an unalkylated steroid it poses no liver issues. In these regards and also in overall side effects, Masteron is best compared with Primobolan Depot. In terms of positive effects in an anabolic steroid cycle, Masteron is at least as effective as Primobolan per milligram for mass gain and for fat loss, and appears better for hardening.

Masteron as an Anti-Estrogen

Dromostanolone has some reputation for anti-estrogenic activity, but in actuality this effect is fairly subtle. If due to use of aromatizing steroids a steroid cycle would produce substantially excessive levels of estrogen, adding Masteron to the cycle will not fix that. Instead, an anti-aromatase such as letrozole or anastrozole should be used. However, where only a moderate amount of aromatizing steroid is being used, Masteron can in many instances be sufficient as the sole anti-estrogenic agent.

How Masteron Compares to Other Steroids

Many have called Masteron a “weak” steroid, but this definitely is not the case. What often has been weak has been the doses! Doses of this drug have historically been low because of rarity, price, and low concentration of the preparations (100 mg/mL.) However, both availability and price have improved markedly in recent years. When included as part of a steroid stack, Masteron’s contribution per milligram is at least as great as that of testosterone, boldenone (Equipoise), nandrolone (Deca), or methenolone (Primobolan.) But of course, if only 100 or 200 mg is added per week, there will be no large change seen from such a small addition.

Masteron Stacks

Masteron can be used as the sole injectable. A Masteron/Dianabol stack is more effective however, as is a Masteron/Anadrol stack. Testosterone also combines well with Masteron. Another use of Masteron which has become more common lately is combination with trenbolone. Unlike combination with Dianabol or Anadrol, there is only an additive effect, not a synergistic effect. However, including Masteron allows a lower trenbolone dosage while achieving very similar or equal physique benefit with less potential for trenbolone-specific side effects of night-sweats, increased tendency to aggression, and/or insomnia.

Masteron also is useful in combination with testosterone for self-prescribed hormone-replacement therapy (HRT.) For example, 100 mg/week each of Masteron and testosterone can be superior for physique benefits to 200 mg/week testosterone alone, while being milder in side effects due to lower resulting levels of estradiol (estrogen) and DHT.

Problem with Masteron-Only Cycles

I don’t recommend using Masteron alone for a steroid cycle or HRT because estradiol levels typically fall too low when this is done. Inclusion of for example at least 100 mg/week testosterone, at least 10 mg/day Dianabol, or at least 700 IU/week total HCG will maintain normal estradiol levels during a Masteron-only cycle, should one wish to do this.

Masteron Recommendations

As a propionate ester, Masteron has a half-life of probably two days and therefore is preferably injected at least every other day, and more preferably daily. An enanthate ester version having a half-life of probably 5 days has become available. This version of Masteron may be injected as infrequently as twice per week.

The traditional (propionate) form of Masteron is also advantageous for brief cycles or for use at the end of a longer cycle, giving quick transition from high, anabolically-effective blood levels to levels sufficiently low to allow recovery of natural testosterone production.

Very simply, Masteron does very well what it’s supposed to do, and has as mild a side-effect profile as is possible for an anabolic steroid. I have never known anyone to be disappointed with this steroid, provided sufficient dosing was used.