Friday, September 5, 2014

Dangerous Bodybuilding Habits

Over the past few years, there has been a lot of hype in the media regarding the risks associated with the popular fat-burning supplement, ephedrine. Unfortunately, the ephedrine controversy is only the tip of the iceberg. There are many deep, dark secrets in the fitness and bodybuilding worlds that remain largely unspoken of.
In addition to taking on such chemical risks, bodybuilders, gym rats and other athletes adopt various training habits believed to enhance performance and results. Ironically, many of these practices can actually be detrimental to one's health and even potentially fatal. It's time to shed light on some of these serious practices.

Not stretching
Why it's dangerous: It's no secret that neglecting to stretch before and after a workout can lead to injuries such as muscle tears, yet many serious athletes still skip this essential step. The benefits of the flexibility that can be gained through stretching are multiple: it prevents injury, increases range of motion, enhances performance and posture, reduces stress, and keeps the body loose and agile.
What to do instead: Stretch for about 10 minutes before and after your workout, as well as briefly between weightlifting sets.

Why it's dangerous: Many athletes train on an empty stomach because they believe that they will burn more fat. The logic behind this unhealthy habit is that the body will use fat reserves as fuel for a workout if there is no food to burn.
The fact is that your body uses carbs as its main source of energy during training. So not only can your performance be hindered by working out on an empty stomach, but doing so can also lead to such side effects as low blood sugar jitters, dizziness and even loss of consciousness. What to do instead: 30 to 60 minutes before your workout, eat a small, easily digestible meal composed of complex carbs, such as fruits, vegetables, whole-grain bread, rice, or pasta.

Having bad form
Why it's dangerous: There are many ways in which bad form in weightlifting can be dangerous. For example, executing movements too fast — such as dropping the bench press weight to your sternum and quickly popping it back up to the start position — can be very detrimental to your tendons and ligaments, as they absorb all the pressure. Another common mistake involves using your lower back to gain momentum to lift the weight, which can be extremely harmful.
What to do instead: The best way to ensure that you have proper form is to ask a trainer or spotter to observe you during a workout. If you are uncertain about the way you are performing certain exercises, you may want to consider a few sessions with a personal trainer.

You can have too much of a good thing...

Why it's dangerous: Many serious athletes become so obsessed with working out that they end up training too often and not taking enough "rest days" between workouts. This can lead to general fatigue, irritability, moodiness, depression, anxiety, decreased appetite, weight loss, nausea, and upset stomach. On top of these symptoms, athletes can also suffer from persistent muscle and joint pain, increased incidence of injury, slowed reaction time, impaired coordination, increased vulnerability to infectious diseases, decreased exercise performance, and more.
What to do instead: Listen to your body. You should feel more energetic after a workout; if you are feeling fatigued and sore, reevaluate your routine. Allow for adequate rest periods between workouts in order to let your muscle tissue rebuild. The amount of rest needed between workouts varies from person to person, so monitor your body's signals.

Eating too much protein
Why it's dangerous: In the off-season, bodybuilders typically eat 1.25 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight each day. Before competitions, many increase their protein intake to 1.75 to 2.0 g per pound. However, eating too much protein can have many negative effects. First, it may lead to higher levels of homocysteine, a by-product of protein metabolism and an independent risk factor for heart disease. Moreover, having too much protein in your body can cause irreversible kidney damage and increase your risk of osteoporosis. What to do instead: Nutritionists generally say that no one, not even bodybuilders, should consume more than 1.7 g of protein per pound of body weight a day. Keep in mind that this is the upper limit if you're training hard ; if you're training only slightly or moderately, your protein intake should be closer to 0.8 to 1.0 gram per pound.

Why it's dangerous: Many bodybuilders try to "sweat out" the last few pounds to fit into the right weight class before a competition. Their tactics include doing crazy stuff like stationary biking in a sauna or taking diuretics, which are unhealthy even if they are "herbal." For extra dehydration in order to make muscles bulge as much as possible, some bodybuilders even have a glass of wine right before going onstage. Dehydration is dangerous for many reasons. First, it increases your chances of cramping up — some bodybuilders have frozen in a pose during competitions and have had to be carried out on a stretcher. It also puts severe strain on your internal organs, your kidneys in particular, and affects your mental capacity. What to do instead: Drink 20 ounces of water to ensure adequate hydration one to two hours before training. Have another 3 to 6 oz every 15 to 30 minutes during your workout. When you're done, drink 2 cups of water for every pound of weight lost.

Taking dangerous stimulants
Why it's dangerous: The risks associated with ephedrine, including heart palpitations, heart attack and stroke, have been well-documented in the media; even though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently lifted the ban on ephedrine, these risks are still present. In addition, there are many other dangerous stimulants on the market. Even "ephedrine-free" fat burners contain ingredients with very similar effects. For example, a popular component of many fat burners is Ma Huang , the plant from which ephedrine is derived and which can be just as dangerous. Many runners, bodybuilders and other athletes take these supplements to "enhance" their performance without realizing their potential hazardous effects.
What to do instead: If you insist on taking a "performance enhancing" supplement, read the ingredient list very carefully and avoid ingredients such as ephedrine, ephedra, Ma Huang, and bitter orange. If you are uncertain of the safety of a certain ingredient, ask a health care professional. Another option is to take a caffeine pill before your workout — they are much less dangerous.

Know your limits...

Lifting excessive weight
Why it's dangerous: Many gym rats constantly try to increase the amount of weight they lift. This can be counterproductive, as it does not allow for complete control performance of the exercise, leading to less than optimal results. Furthermore, lifting weights that are too heavy can cause joint pain and an eventual muscle, ligament or tendon tear. What to do instead: You should have absolute control of the weight at all times without having to swing it to complete the movement. If you are unable to control the descent of the weight and are simply moving it from start to finish without maintaining proper form, you should reduce the amount you're lifting.

Combining relaxants with stimulants
Why it's dangerous: To counteract the high heart rate and nervousness associated with stimulant use, many athletes take supplements or drugs to relax or "come down" after a workout. A popular choice is kava kava, a herbal supplement that is a sedative, muscle relaxant, diuretic, and a remedy for nervousness and insomnia. Unfortunately, it is also associated with abnormal liver function or damage. A few deaths have even been reported. Other athletes will smoke marijuana to relax. In the long run, making your heart rate and blood pressure shoot up and then drop back down on a regular basis can be dangerous, and may even lead to heart attack. What to do instead: If you feel the need to take a "calming" supplement to counteract the stimulants you are taking, you probably shouldn't be taking the stimulants in the first place. In any case, avoid combining these two categories.

What to do instead: Unless these side effects appeal to you, build your muscles the hard way — through training.

Be good to your body