Tuesday, December 23, 2014

New Years = Bodybuilding Apocalypse

To bodybuilders and serious physique enthusiasts, there is one day on the calendar that looms overhead like a cloud which rains not water, but misery and frustration…

January 1st
This is the day that our precious safe house of all things muscle is invaded by an army of house wives, out of shape husbands and elderly people summoned there by their Doctor. I know, I know. These people should be encouraged as they are taking their health into their own hands and at least their heart is in the right place…but let’s just be honest, we all know 90% of them won’t last and all they really do is clog up weight room.

Besides being a membership salesmans wet dream, these people serve as an interesting study for human behaviour. The thing that becomes very obvious to me during New Years resolution time is that when people need an outside excuse to do something, they are much more likely to fail as opposed to their self motivated counterparts. How many body transformation success stories start with “I joined the gym on January 1st…”? I can’t remember hearing any, to be honest. Rather, most of the time the beginning of a success story starts with someone either hitting rock bottom or snapping into reality and seeing how far they have let themselves go. There is no magic date or square on your kitchen calendar that can truly spark the will to change, it has to come from within.

While it’s easy to be harsh on these new people, they are the unfortunate target of other frustrations. It isn’t annoying that these people are trying to get in shape, it’s annoying that the place you have frequented for years is now over populated and you can’t function as you normally would. This might not be the right attitude, but I can see how someone would get aggravated by not being able to park anywhere near their gym due to the parking lot being filled up by people who half heartedly wished up a resolution to lose their beer belly. You’ve been dedicated all year, why should you be punished?!

One particularly obnoxious stereotypical offender of the New Years crowd is the “Debbie’s getting her groove back” middle aged woman who has turned this into an emotional event of taking their life back. Usually this involves using way too much gym space and resting all sorts of shit across benches, or telling you that they are “using that machine” while simultaneously using that other machine…and letting their dumbbells sit on that bench, and that mat laid out in the middle of coveted weight room territory. I get it; They are finally taking control after putting themselves on the back burner possibly mothering a whack of kids or being involved in a failed marriage, so to them this is their triumphant return with a J-Lo performed theme song soundtrack and some hollywood pretty boy waiting at the end of the movie for a big kiss when the credits roll. They dreamt about getting back in shape for so many years that the fact they are finally doing it is a “you go girl” moment and they expect everyone to make way for them because we should just be so proud! Well good for you girlfriend, but the rest of us pay the same damn fees and should have equal access to the equipment, so perhaps avoiding turning the gym floor into the fitness equivalent of your terrifying bathroom counter (men, you know what I am talking about…) would help aid in a more seamless integration.

Now that I have that out of the way – Be kind to these people. If they ask for help (few do) show them ways they can get the most benefit out of their efforts so possibly they can melt into the pot and become a more community minded gym member. The reason most people quite after the first month or so is because they don’t have the guidance to really get the results they expected. Well, that and the fact it requires a lot more effort than the NOT going to the gym thing they had been doing so successfully for so long.

While it might not be the most inspired excuse to get off your ass, joining a gym is intimidating for the average person and it offers us bodybuilders a chance to disprove some of the negative stereotypes that exist about us and try to be a team player, even if it’s short lived. Give it a shot, you might feel good about it….and worst case scenario your gym will be back to how you remembered by mid February and maybe you helped one person start on a path that involves them falling in love with the same passion you have.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Marijuana and Bodybuilding

David Johnson (not his real name) was one of the premier bodybuilders of the mid-to-late 1960s. Although he did use drugs, such as anabolic steroids, to win many of his titles, later in his career he disavowed the use of most drugs with one notable exception. Johnson had a preworkout ritual that he claimed allowed him to train more intensely and concentrate more effectively throughout his training session.

What was his secret? The enigmatic root of his preworkout ritual became evident one day in the back room of a popular Southern California bodybuilding gym. This particular gym had a sauna that was never used, located in the back of the men's locker room. It was the perfect place to engage in surreptitious behavior. What Johnson couldn't conceal, however, was the pungent marijuana fumes.

Johnson smoked marijuana in that room. And he didn't just puff on one "joint," or marijuana cigarette, either. No, Johnson regularly engaged in a marijuana trip, losing his thoughts in the wispy smoke that rose slowly toward the ceiling in his secret alcove. He would emerge after an hour or so and head directly to the gym floor, working out with no apparent ill effects.

Although marijuana is an illegal drug, many athletes, not just bodybuilders, regularly smoke "weed" as a means of relaxation and mind expansion. A long-held tenet of the drug culture is that marijuana emphasizes the mood you're already in. Thus, if you feel good, you'll feel even better after the intoxicating effects of THC, the active component of pot, does its job on your brain.

While marijuana has always had a relatively innocuous reputation compared to other mind drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, few people are aware of its true effects on the body. Entire volumes have been written documenting the physiological effects of marijuana, but many people are still confused.

Active Ingredients

Known to botanists as Cannabis sativa, more than 100 species of the cannabis plant, also known as marijuana and hemp, grow wild throughout the world in temperate climates. Analysis of the plant yields 460 compounds, of which 60 are cannabinoids, but the only cannabinoid known to have psychoactive effects is delta-9-THC. That's the ingredient that makes you feel high. Not long ago scientists discovered nerve receptors in the brain that are specifically affected by THC, which suggests that the body produces its own natural form of THC.

Different parts of the marijuana plant have different THC contents. The bracts, flowers and leaves contain the most, while the stems, seeds and roots contain lesser amounts. The most concentrated form of all, however, is hash oil, which is the distilled liquid resin of the female marijuana plant. Street pot has gradually increased in potency over the years, and current versions are thought to be five to 10 times more potent than the stuff people used to "tune in and turn on" in the '60s.

When inhaled, as from a "reefer, or joint, THC is rapidly absorbed. Studies show the systemic bio-availability of THC following smoking is about 18 percent, with heavier users absorbing more than casual smokers. That compares with the oral uptake, from, say, a pill, of only 6 percent. The peak effects of the drug occur within 20 to 30 minutes and last for two to four hours.

THC circulates through the body and, being highly fat-soluble, easily enters the brain. About 80 to 90 percent of an intravenous dose of THC is excreted from the body in five days, although metabolites remain detectable in urine for 10 days after a single dose and more than 20 days after chronic use. Due to its proclivity for storage in fatty tissues of the body, in some cases THC may take up to a month to be eliminated.

How marijuana affects a person varies from individual to individual. A recent study funded by the United States National Institute on Drug Abuse involving identical twins found that the likelihood that you'll find pot enjoyable has a genetic basis. What's more, the effects can vary in the same person.

A 1970 medical review of marijuana described the typical effects:

"Typically, the user feels a series of jittery 'rushes' soon after inhaling. A sense of relaxation and well-being follows. There is awareness of being intoxicated not unlike that produced by alcohol. The user becomes acutely conscious of certain stimuli to the extent that his whole attention is focused, immersed and at times lost with the sensory experience. In this state jokes are funnier, misfortunes more poignant and human relations more deeply perceived.

"The appreciation of food, sex and, in particular, music is intensified. The user may believe that his thoughts are unusually profound (an impression rarely shared by observers). Paranoid thoughts and feelings of depersonalization have been reported by subjects and observed in the laboratory. Visual imagery is increased, and in larger doses colors may shimmer and visual distortions occur. There are feelings of changed body proportion. Among the most striking perceptual changes is the subjective slowing of time."

At least two effects rapidly occur in most people who smoke marijuana: The eyes redden, and the heart beats faster. This increased load on the heart tends to impede athletic performance, as shown in some studies. This occurs because, while pot speeds the heart, the cardiac stroke volume, or amount of blood pumped by the heart, decreases. One study showed that in men cycling against increasing workloads, pot decreased exercise performance.

Another study showed that when 161 men and women took THC, they experienced a general drop in standing steadiness, simple and complex reaction times, and other athletic skills. Contrary to the experience of the bodybuilder described above, if anything, pot decreases training concentration and focus, an effect so potent that it can't even be overcome with concomitant amphetamine usage.

A crucial question from a bodybuilding perspective is, How does smoking pot affect anabolic hormones, such as testosterone?

Marijuana and Testosterone

A brief report concerning the appearance in gynecomastia in three male pot smokers published in 1972 sparked a number of subsequent studies that examined the relationship between marijuana use and testosterone levels. Gynecomastia, or "male breasts," however, is not a common side effect encountered with marijuana use.

Instead, the condition is usually the result of an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen in men, with something causing an increase in the latter. Since marijuana has no estrogenic activity, it isn't likely to cause this condition.

Even so, animal studies clearly point to an inhibitory effect of marijuana on both testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) production. LH is the pituitary hormone that governs endogenous testosterone synthesis in men. When it comes to humans, though, things are far less clear.

Most studies that have examined human marijuana use haven't shown any significant effect on testosterone levels in normal men. A 1983 study, however, did find depressed testosterone levels after subjects smoked just one joint, with the effect lasting 24 hours. A 1984 study found that pot not only inhibited testosterone but also lowered prolactin, thyroid and growth hormone. It did that by altering the expression of brain substances that govern hormone release.

Nevertheless, a 1989 study gave 17 male volunteers both high and low doses of THC and then tested their hormonal responses. The results showed no hormonal or immune parameters affected by either a high or low dose of THC. Notably, both testosterone and cortisol were examined, indicating that pot doesn't produce catabolic effects in muscle through increased cortisol release.

Based on the majority of studies that have looked at the effects of pot on testosterone levels, it appears that the drug has little or no effect on this hormone in humans. One study that examined Jamaican pot smokers, however, did find a significant decrease in active thyroid hormone in the blood, although the men showed no apparent thyroid dysfunction. Significantly, the men also showed normal testosterone levels despite smoking an average of seven to eight joints a day.

Other Health Effects of Marijuana

The recent passage of Proposition 215 in California and Proposition 200 in Arizona, both of which allow use of marijuana under medical supervision, has brought public attention to the health benefits (or lack thereof) of marijuana. This prompted the National Institutes of Health to convene a committee to study the medical benefits of pot.

The committee looked at marijuana's effects on at least three medical conditions: glaucoma; wasting diseases, such as those occurring with HIV infection; and the nausea common with cancer chemotherapy. It concluded that more study is needed to determine the effectiveness of using pot to treat those and other disease states.

What's interesting here is that legally, marijuana is classified as a schedule 1 drug under the Controlled Substances Act. That means it has no medical value and may be addictive. Yet in 1985 the Food and Drug Administration approved a synthetic version of THC called dronabinol (trade name Marinol) as a schedule 2 drug used to treat the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy. In 1992 the FDA also approved Marinol for use in treating the wasting syndrome associated with AIDS.

Marijuana, or more specifically THC, does affect many body systems. Here's a brief review of its effects:

Immune system - Several test-tube studies of both animal and human tissue samples suggest that marijuana may inhibit cell-mediated immune functions. That has to do with the response of specialized immune cells called T cells that protect against viruses and cancers.

Other studies on this aspect, however, suggest that any immune dysfunction induced by marijuana is transitory. In addition, the immune problem caused by marijuana isn't sufficient to overcome other immune systems of the body. This is still a debatable issue, though, as evidenced by a 1990 study published in the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Weekly. That study found THC suppresses the normal growth of white blood cells and thus may impair immunity in some people.

Chromosome damage - Some studies show that THC may cause chromosome damage, leading to things like birth defects. Other studies dispute this, however, with the result that most scientists studying this issue feel that any chromosome damage caused by marijuana use is insignificant. Nevertheless, pregnant women are advised to avoid using any form of the drug to prevent any possibility of birth defects.

Mental reaction - As noted earlier, taken in excess, marijuana can induce such symptoms as panic reactions, paranoia and mania. When studies are produced to prove the concept of "reefer madness," however, it turns out that in most cases people experiencing adverse mental problems after using marijuana had preexisting mental problems. Other studies show that marijuana does not predispose people to violence.

A controversial topic related to marijuana use among younger people is its effects on memory and learning. This is also related to the increased potency of marijuana in recent years. For example, in a study that looked at short- and long-term memory functions in both pot-using and abstaining teenagers, the pot users showed defects in short-term memory that would have a negative effect on learning.

A 1996 study looked at the mental effects of marijuana in college students. The subjects included 65 heavy and 64 light pot users who had smoked it for at least two years. The results showed that heavy users had trouble paying attention and performing mental tasks even after a day of not smoking. In an editorial that accompanied the study, however, another researcher noted, "The few reports of cognitive effects of marijuana lingering on the day after smoking have not proven reliably reproducible even by the original researchers."

More problematic are so-called additives that may be found in pot. Sources of contamination can include insects, fungi and in Mexican pot a herbicide called paraquat that can cause lung damage. A 1989 report in the journal Bioscience found that pot grown in Hawaii (called "pakalolo") was high in the toxic metal mercury. Ingestion of mercury can lead to such brain defects as forgetfulness, anxiety and paranoia.

Oral absorption of mercury from food sources, such as fish, is only 7 to 10 percent as efficient as that absorbed from the lungs, and the body retains only 7 percent of ingested mercury. That's in contrast to the 85 percent absorption of mercury vapors from smoking. It takes about three months for mercury to clear body tissues once absorbed, although the nutrients vitamin C and selenium block mercury absorption and detoxify it.

A so-called amotivational syndrome is closely associated with pot use. In simple terms, that means regular pot users get so lazy, they don't want to do anything except smoke. Once again, in many cases a preexisting mental depression causes some people to turn to pot for relief. Studies conducted among workers in Costa Rica and Jamaica failed to find any apathy or laziness even among heavy cannabis users.

Marijuana, contrary to earlier reports, does not appear to cause brain damage. Although it's been accused of causing brain atrophy, or shrinking of the brain, newer studies on the effects of pot in even heavy users failed to find this effect.

Lung function - Studies that looked at the effects of marijuana show paradoxical effects. Thus, some studies show that the drug dilates breathing passages in the lungs, while others point to a significant degree of airway obstruction. Smoking pot yields more tar than cigarettes, and a 1988 University of California at Los Angeles study found that smoking pot releases five times as much carbon monoxide into the blood, which ties up oxygen, and three times more tar than cigarettes. Another study showed that three to four joints a day can produce as much lung damage as 20 tobacco cigarettes.

According to Kasi Sridhar, M.D., a professor of medicine at the University of Miami, smoking marijuana is 100 to 200 times more likely to cause lung cancer than cigarettes. Sridhar believes the increasing incidence of lung cancer in younger people may be due to increased pot use.

Other studies show that pot promotes bronchitis and impaired pulmonary defenses against infection. The tar produced from marijuana smoke contains 50 percent more carcinogens than unfiltered Kentucky tobacco. The fact that pot smokers inhale the smoke 40 percent deeper than cigarette smokers (except, of course, President Clinton) adds to the problem. One study found that smoking just one joint diminished vital capacity in a manner comparable to that produced by smoking 16 tobacco cigarettes.

If all this still doesn't convince you that its use isn't so innocuous, how about marijuana as a fat stimulator? Pot has long been known to cause a peculiar sensation known as "the munchies," in which you have an insatiable desire for junk food after smoking, and it turns out the effect isn't just folklore.

A study done at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine looked at the appetite effects of marijuana on six men for 13 days. On some days the men smoked two joints in the morning and another two in the afternoon. On other days they smoked placebo joints, which didn't contain THC. The men ate three meals a day, but also had unlimited access to candy bars, potato chips, soda and other junk foods.

On the days the men smoked the genuine pot, they ate no additional food at meals but ate enough snacks to consume 40 percent more calories than they ate on placebo days. That led to a six-pound weight gain after 13 days, which was quickly lost when they ceased getting high. The men were also less active on pot days and thus also burned fewer calories.

When you add it all up, even overlooking the fact that marijuana is an illegal drug, this weed has little or nothing to offer bodybuilders or anyone else seeking maximum health and fitness.

Friday, December 12, 2014

How Alcohol Affects Muscle-Building

I don't imagine there are many people out there who imagine that drinking a case of beer will make you a better athlete. Still, there are lots of people who argue that it doesn't really matter either way – that training is training and social life is social life, and the two don't really affect each other. So in that light, it's worth mentioning the results of a recent study from John Hawley's group in Australia.

The basic idea of the study was straightforward. Put volunteers through a rigorous exercise routine (it was a mix of weights, sustained cycling, and high-intensity sprints, designed to simulate the demands of a team-sport match); have them do it three times. After two of the trials, give them the "optimal" post-exercise nutrition: 25 grams of protein immediately after, a carbohydrate-rich meal two hours later, and another 25 grams of protein four hours later. During this recovery period, have them drink a bunch of drinks, either containing placebo or a total of 1.5 grams of alcohol per kilogram of body weight. In a third trial, give them alcohol but replace the protein with calorie-equivalent carbohydrate.

What makes this study so good is that they looked right into the muscles to observe what was happening in response. That means each of the three trials involved three muscle biopsies and 17 blood samples – not for the faint of heart! There are a lot of outcomes, but the bottom line is muscle protein synthesis: how much muscle is being built to repair damage from the exercise and build bigger/stronger new muscle?

Not surprisingly, the pre-exercise (rest) value is the lowest, and the optimal (post-exercise, no booze) value is the highest. In between, you've got the two alcohol trials. Alcohol plus protein is better than alcohol plus carb, but not as good as protein alone. Note that this has nothing to do with how much rest you're getting, how hung-over you are, or any of that other business. This is simply showing that if you exercise and then drink 1.5 g/kg of alcohol, the signals that would normally tell your body to adapt and get stronger are suppressed immediately.

The results don't come as a big surprise. For example, a few years ago researchers at Massey University in New Zealand published a series of studies showing that recovery from delayed-onset muscle soreness is hampered by alcohol.

The big question, of course, is dose. How much is 1.5 grams per kilogram? Well, in the U.S., a "standard drink" is considered to be 14 grams of alcohol. So for someone who weighs 150 lbs, 1.5 g/kg is 102 grams in total, which translates to 7.3 standard drinks – a fairly big evening for most people, I'd say. In the New Zealand study, 1.0 g/kg (4.9 drinks for the 150-lb person) hindered recovery, but 0.5 g/kg (2.4 drinks) didn't.

Again, I figure all this should score pretty low on the surprise-o-meter. If you're downing 7 drinks in an evening, you're presumably prioritizing something other than optimal muscle protein synthesis – and that's fine, as long as you understand this and are making an informed decision. Just don't kid yourself.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Make Your Cardio Fun

Being bored is not fun and it`s even worse when you know that you have another thirty minutes left on the treadmill. The minutes seem to go by like seconds and you hit the stop button because you simply cannot go on any longer. So what happened? Why does the cardio have to be so boring? This article is going to give you alternatives to the good ole treadmill and hopefully give you enough inspiration to finish your workout.

The first alternative to simple cardio is by the use of workout videos. Workout videos are perfect for those who don`t have a gym membership and are acceptable because of their workout in your own living room. Workout videos are also perfect for motivation because the instructor pushes you all the way to completion. Another benefit of having this instructor on your TV is that you get expert guidance in helping you achieve your goals.

Another great alternative to cardio is by the use of a jump rope. The cardio benefits of jumping rope are tremendous because of its calorie burning effect in such a short amount of time. Jump roping can burn up to 1,000 calories per hour, making it one of the most effecient workouts possible. Jump roping is fun, easy to learn, inexpensive, great for kids, portable, and in my opinion, the best way to make your cardio workout fun.

Heavy bag training is not just for boxers anymore. On top of the great cardio workout that you are getting, heavy bag training also improves your self-defense skills. Heavy bag training also reduces stress, works your muscles, and helps improve hand-eye-coordination. Fitness manufacturers continue to develop new products aimed towards the fighting athlete. As new products are being developed, old training equipment such as the heavy bag are often forgotten.

Now that you`ve learned three great alternatives to dull cardio routines, you should now be able to achieve your fat loss goals much easier. Don`t over-do your cardio and never go over an hour of continuous work due to chances of overtraining. Take things one day at a time and reap the benefits at a later time. Until next time, later!