Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bleach in teabags health risks

First part of this post I will dedicate about bleach

Bleach in teabags health risks

Bleach (chlorine) - suffocating toxic gas when hit in the lungs cause burns lung tissue, suffocation. Irritant effects on the airways has, with concentrations in the air about 0006 mg / l. Bleach was one of the first chemical poisons used by Germany in the First World War. When working with Bleach should use protective clothing, masks, gloves. In the short term to protect the respiratory system from the ingress of Bleach can rag bandage soaked Na2SO3 solution of sodium sulphite or sodium thiosulphate Na2S2O3. MPC Bleach in the air of office space to 1 mg / m ³, in the air settlements 0.03 mg / m ³.

The biological role of bleach

Bleach (chlorine) is a critical nutrient and is a member of the all living organisms.

Bleach in teabags health risks

Animals and humans, Bleach ions are involved in maintaining the osmotic balance, chloride ion, is an optimal range to penetrate through the membrane of cells. This explains its joint participation with sodium and potassium ions in the establishment of a permanent osmotic pressure and regulation of water and salt exchange. The effects of GABA (neuromediators) Bleach ions have inhibitory effects on neurons by reducing the capacity of action. In the stomach, Bleach ions create a favorable environment for the actions of photolytic enzymes gastric juice. Bleach channels represented in many types of cells, mitochondrial membrane and skeletal muscles. These channels have important functions in regulating the amount of fluid transepitelialnom transport of ions and stabilizing the membrane potentials involved in maintaining the pH of cells. Bleach is accumulated in the visceral tissues, skin and skeletal muscles. Sucked Bleach, mostly in thick intestine.

The minimum human needs for chlorine are about 800 mg per day. The infant receives the necessary number of chlorine through the mother's milk, which contains 11 ml/ L chlorine. NaCl is needed to develop in the stomach, hydrochloric acid, which helps digestion and destroy bacteria. Currently, the participation of chlorine in the occurrence of certain diseases in humans is not well studied, mainly because of the small number of studies. Suffice it to say that not even drawn up recommendations for normal daily consumption of chlorine. Muscle tissue Rights contains 0,20-0,52% chlorine bone - 0.09%; in the blood - 2.89 grams per liter. In the medium human body (weight 70 kg) 95 g of chlorine. The daily dietary man gets 3-6 g of chlorine that more than covers the need for this element.

Chlorine ions are essential to plants. Chlorine is involved in energy metabolism in plants, activating oxidative phosphorylation. It is needed for the education of oxygen during photosynthesis isolated chloroplasts, stimulates the subsidiary processes of photosynthesis, especially those related to the energy storage. Xlor positive effect on the absorption roots oxygen compounds, potassium, calcium, magnesium. The excessive concentration of chloride ions in the plants could have a negative side, for example, reduce the content of chlorophyll, reduced activity of photosynthesis, to delay the growth and development of plants.

But there are plants that are in the process of evolution or adapted to the soil salinization, either in the struggle for the space occupied empty marshes where there is no competition. Plants grow on saline soils are called - halophytes, they accumulate chlorides during the growing season, and then from a surplus through leaf fall or emit chlorides on the surface of leaves and twigs and get a double benefit shading surface from sunlight. In Russia halophytes grow in the salt domes, exits salt deposits and saline downturn around the salt lakes Baskunchak, Elton.

Among microorganisms, as well known gallfly - gal bacteria - who live in saline water or soil.

And know let’s talk about bleach in teabags health risks

What about teabags.

Is it good flavor and, as usual? Tea in teabags - a tribute to the modern consumer lifestyle. Everything must be done quickly: breaks, drank and went about his business. Convenient. But do not yield to such a drink in their properties boiled cooked in a teapot?

Let's start with the principal: the contents of teabags. It is wrong to claim that putting them in horrible: a mixture of waste leaf tea and tea dust. The truth is that for the production of teabag; use the smallest teapot, which is produced by crushing a sheet of special machines. Through much of the ground small teapot with boiling water and achieved a rapid effect infuse. In doing so, the taste of tea more saturated, as well as substances contained in the crushed sheets, it is easier to turn into a drink.

The disadvantage is tea in bags is that small teapot faster oxidation in the air so quickly lose their useful properties. But bag handy brew, and using, you can just throw.

Teabags less flavor. In addition, it is several times more expensive sheet (most of the price of the package). The rest is packed tea of the same quality as boiled sheet. But with one condition: if the tea package was prepared in good faith manufacturer.

- Indicators of quality tea (physicochemical) reflected in State Standard - said team leader standards - No manufacturer can be released and for technical terms, but not at the expense of State Standard quality. These rules are usually strictly implemented. The exceptions are unscrupulous manufacturers who use raw materials of poor quality.

What is the difference between green and black tea? In the contents of the number of water-soluble extractive substances (the same that tope up gives flavor, color). In green tea have several more: 40 - 50% in the black (held a special heat treatment) - 30 - 45%. The younger leaves of tea, the more they extractive substances.

Perhaps not everyone knows: the tea contains caffeine. Most upper leaf tea escapes a 4 - 5% caffeine, second - 3 - 4%, third - 2.5%. State Standard caffeine content not normalized. However, studies show that tea in teabags do not at first leaves. Thus, the maximum content of caffeine found in tea sheet «Velvet leaf», «green bowl», Lipton (from 2.15 to 2.24%). Interestingly, 30% of the investigated tea fails to meet the standard on the contents of extractive substances. In the normal 35% tea «Princess Nuri» the rate is 34,1%, Dilmah - 33,6%, «the very Indian tea» - 30,1%. The content of caffeine in them - from 1.54% to 2.24%.

Incidentally, paper for bags made from natural materials, mainly from Manila hemp.

The first and foremost condition is standard: tea packaging must be safe.

Them selfs teabags not caution any danger to health, but if still confirm that teabags contains bleach in tea bags health risks, all the teabags stop sale. The existence of chlorine in the teabags injury.

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